the presenceDT

I am not a particularly religious person but I am a deeply spiritual one.
Being a PK (Preachers kid) I guess like most I live up to the reputation of being a bit wild by nature. I am extremely empathic, as well as intuitive which a gift I inherited from my Mother, one that has made for an interesting life. I choose to call the God the Divine, The Universal Source or just quite simply Spirit.
My Father had a saying which has stuck with me my whole life.
“The Voice Of God is only as loud as Our Willingness to Hear It”

This is a experience I had in my mid 20’s which change my life and how I view things.
I remember I was so Angry at God, the Universe, and myself because my life sucked things had not been going the way I had planned. It felt like I had lived a bad life time in the last few weeks and worst of all I could not feel Spirit or even Joy any more. I was sure Spirit had abandoned me forever and I was pissed as hell about it.

One of the things that has always help me in the past is to drive and listen to music till I felt calm again. I jumped into my car and turned the radio up as loud as it would go and off I went. Well it wasn’t working so I turned it off and started yelling at Spirit.
Show yourself I want answers and you at least owe me that much come on I dare you!!!
Suddenly I became aware of the Presence of Spirit Growing in the passenger seat next to me. As the wave of Calm , Love , and deep peace began to grow so did my anger.

“Well Its about F…ing time you showed up! What do you have to say for yourself? I yelled.

I heard a very soft and loving voice say
“ I have been here all this time”
“I am so glad you finally decided to notice me”

I cried because I realized the truth of the statement. Spirit had never left me I had Left it, I had become so busy and so worried about how my life was that I had forgotten to include Spirit and listen to its voice.
I decided then and there that I would NEVER AGAIN let that happen. I know have a saying when I don’t know what to do or how to help someone, I take a deep breath and touch the Divine with in me and simple say Spirit go before me and place what is needed in my/ their path and it always does, my job is just to wait, trust, and the take action when it shows up.

I shared this with a friend this morning and it made me think that perhaps I should share it with you all.

This entry was posted in Activation Series.