Author Archives: admin



It’s a funny thing what the mind will bring up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason other than to remind you of wonder you had as a child. As children we played in castles made of bushes and boxes, flew to the moon on our bikes and simply let our spirits soar. Things that today as adults we ignore as being silly were just a part of our daily life.
So tonight I woke to remember one of the most amazing things that occurred in my childhood. Was it talking to fairies or Angels ….NO although I did do that as well.

As many of you know my parents were missionary’s on several reservations, oftentimes in places with no electricity or running water. To us the big excitement was when we got a missionary box in the mail because that meant new clothes, books and sometimes even some toys.
The thing that was amazing was inside in this particular box, it was full of records and a new record player made out of a piece of cardboard.
OMG! We were imqdefault2n Haven. So what you did was put the record on the box and bend the part with the needle over top and place it on the record and use a pencil to keep it turning. It was such a simple thing, but to us it was the world, we had music sweet, sweet music.
Who could have been so smart to think that cardboard could be so useful.

Of course as kids often do we would fight over whose turn it was to use the pencil to turn the record or complain that they were not pushing the record right or fast enough etc. … etc. It was truly a very special gift as so appreciated. We did not know why we received this special gift nor did we ever see the person who gave it to us, it was ours and so we used it and let it brings us joy.

Spirit is a lot like this we don’t see it and we don’t always know why we are given a particular gift whether it’s the gift of music, writing, or even speaking to animals. It is a gift the is given to us out of love and or job it to use it and let it bring joy to our lives and the lives of others.

Each of us is special and our gifts are unique unto ourselves, no two people see the same, feel the same or express in the same way. We are all gifted and as long as we let the gifts we receive from spirit bring us the joy and love that they were was meant to. Then we can live in a world of child like magic were miracles occur in every minute as we were intended too.

Thank you Spirit for this memory and the blessings you send my way.
Duane RedWolf Miles

Posted in Memories

Frequency Pathway Oracle Cards

As many of you know for the past 2 years I have been working an Oracle deck using my Art work. Over the last year a lot of the cards have been channeled through the personal art pieces,  I created for others. I am almost finished and only have a few more to do, then I will let spirit speak to me and give me the messages for each card.
Here is what is Finished at the moment. Hugs Duane Redwolf Miles





Posted in Uncategorized

Art of frequency

Here is a video i did to answer some question about my art. sorry if the video and sound quality is not at 100%
I hope to answer more questions in the future. please email me with your questions at


Posted in Videos



spirit card

The other day as I was doing my morning cruse through Facebook to see if anything of merit had been posted, I read 2 articles that kind of set me off.
The first was about the coming transition into the 5(6)7)8) or whatever dimension you may be moving to and how Empaths would help the process by experiencing the suffering for other’s. The Second was 11 crazy thing spiritual people do.
So I just thought I would share my thoughts on both since I am and Empath and also a Spiritual minded person and of course also a bit crazy I guess.


So let’s tackle the issue of the importance of Empaths and the coming shifts into the other dimensions. Let me start by saying yes it is true that Empaths can feel the pain and emotions of others and because of that constant bombardment they often feel as though they suffer greatly. If you think of the fact the Empaths bodies are genetically wired to be like giant radio receivers for the feeling of others, and couple that with our inherent need to help others often overlooking our own needs. I basically think of us (Empaths) as portable bio processing plants. So yes I do agree that Empaths have an important part to play in the coming shifts, but suffering is not one of them.


Our true purpose it to act as a catalyst and allow others to process and let go of past pains, hurts and frustration at a faster rate so that the consciousness and vibration can raise to its next level.

In order for us to do this we first must learn to recognize and acknowledge what is ours and what is others.

Secondly we have to let the emotion and pain flow through our bodies.

Thirdly we have to understand why it is there and let our inherent nature which one of love, clear the energy, so that it does not return. Sounds so simple right? It can take years of practice, solitude, self-awareness and desire to learn to let this happen.

So the big Question is do we have to suffer to do this?

I Say no, but it does take the time and courage to face who you are and then to let the blessing of that, become a gift, that can help others and the world.

So that being said I still don’t like the overpowering experience of crowds, hospitals, and concerts and yet more and more I am drawn to people who need help to let go of things that are keeping them from moving ahead. They always find me when it is time, and it will always be that way. I take a hike and they appear , I shop and they appear, I go to work and they appear. I stopped asking why long ago now I just smile and ask how can I help you.

Now to address the 11 crazy things Spiritual minded people do. While I have to admit that yes I have laid in bed with crystals on my body and also an ice pack on my head, I am not sure that doing so is crazy. The thing that amused me most in the article was the part that we talk to God, angels, and spirit guide as if we were best friends. Hmmm!!  I sure would not want to talk to them like we were  enemies. I tend to talk to everything like we were friends , rocks, plants, animals and even passing humans. My point is that if as science now tells us we are all connected and everything is a part of the whole of the universe, then we are all family.

It may seem crazy to some but truthfully I enjoy the conversation with my angels and they have saved my life more than once so I have learned to trust them. I suggest that anyone who hasn’t tried it should, it will change your life forever, and as far as talking to God goes I have always been on a first name basic there, as I believe everyone should be.

In closing, just be who you are, and if you get lost ask for help it may show in an odd way, but  I assure you it will show up.
Hugs Duane Redwolf Miles

Posted in Rants

Activation Series free Downloads

Activation Series



The set of art you see here is part of an activation series that was created in 3 days. The energy was intense and at the same time I lost all sense of time. I  Saw,Felt ,tasted, smelled, touched and experienced each of these images as they were being created on my laptop. I was told not to write messages with the exception of “embracing the stillness” . These were to be offered as a free download so that other could experience  them as well. you can find the downloads for each under the categories section to the right (activation series)


Posted in Activation Series, free downloads

Wolfs Robe New CD Released

At long last “Wolf Robe” has released his new CD “Touch the earth” it is an amazing CD which includes 12 songs.
I was lucky enough to be able to to the art work for the CD. Currently i am in the process of creating a piece of art for each of the songs in the album. Which can be purchased along with the music, I will update everyone when they are available for sale. You can purchase the album at







Posted in NEW PRODUCTS, Uncategorized



the presenceDT

I am not a particularly religious person but I am a deeply spiritual one.
Being a PK (Preachers kid) I guess like most I live up to the reputation of being a bit wild by nature. I am extremely empathic, as well as intuitive which a gift I inherited from my Mother, one that has made for an interesting life. I choose to call the God the Divine, The Universal Source or just quite simply Spirit.
My Father had a saying which has stuck with me my whole life.
“The Voice Of God is only as loud as Our Willingness to Hear It”

This is a experience I had in my mid 20’s which change my life and how I view things.
I remember I was so Angry at God, the Universe, and myself because my life sucked things had not been going the way I had planned. It felt like I had lived a bad life time in the last few weeks and worst of all I could not feel Spirit or even Joy any more. I was sure Spirit had abandoned me forever and I was pissed as hell about it.

One of the things that has always help me in the past is to drive and listen to music till I felt calm again. I jumped into my car and turned the radio up as loud as it would go and off I went. Well it wasn’t working so I turned it off and started yelling at Spirit.
Show yourself I want answers and you at least owe me that much come on I dare you!!!
Suddenly I became aware of the Presence of Spirit Growing in the passenger seat next to me. As the wave of Calm , Love , and deep peace began to grow so did my anger.

“Well Its about F…ing time you showed up! What do you have to say for yourself? I yelled.

I heard a very soft and loving voice say
“ I have been here all this time”
“I am so glad you finally decided to notice me”

I cried because I realized the truth of the statement. Spirit had never left me I had Left it, I had become so busy and so worried about how my life was that I had forgotten to include Spirit and listen to its voice.
I decided then and there that I would NEVER AGAIN let that happen. I know have a saying when I don’t know what to do or how to help someone, I take a deep breath and touch the Divine with in me and simple say Spirit go before me and place what is needed in my/ their path and it always does, my job is just to wait, trust, and the take action when it shows up.

I shared this with a friend this morning and it made me think that perhaps I should share it with you all.

Posted in Activation Series

Activation Series ~ Activation 9

~Activation Series ~

~Activation 9~ Healing Grief~


This Activation was created because of a conversation I had with my friend Kaayla Fox, about a new crop circle elixir she had created that she discovered had the effect of working with the aspects of grief. I will do a separate posting about this later.
LightCircles©Vibrational Elixirs


~Healing Grief~

Like fear grief can be a very limiting and controlling factor in our lives, it can hold us back is some of the most subtle ways. If this card speaks to you its time to look back and let go of all the fears, losses, and times of disappointment. We are creatures of creation and like all creative forces  things grow and change form. So  let the frequencies of creation uplift your grief, and gently restore the joy of  life.

Posted in Activation Series, free downloads

Activation Series ~ Activation 8

Activation Series ~ Activation 8

~ Embracing the Stillness ~

 Click here to download image

~ Embracing the Stillness ~

This Activation assists you with achieving a deeper level of connection in your meditations, prayers,and contemplations.

This activation balances your energy and restores it to its original state. By embracing the silence or stillness as I like to call it, our bodies have a chance to recharge and regenerate at a quicker level.

When we reach a deeper place of stillness or quiet, our thoughts begin to flow slowly and it becomes easier to hear the voice of the Divine. Some have called this space a state of oneness and indeed there is a strong sense of being connected to everything when you reach this level of stillness. The truth is it really is our natural state of being we have just forgotten to lives in this place of oneness. This activation invites you to return to your connection with the divine, to live in the moment, to be present in the now and to explore the limitless possibilities of your connections to everything. You
~D~ RedWolf




Posted in Activation Series, free downloads

Activation Series ~ Activation 7

Activation Series ~ Activation 7 ~

~Alignment to Financial Abundance~


 Click here to download image

Posted in Activation Series, free downloads